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Showing posts from January, 2012

Morissa & Malcolm's Wedding

 Dear Future hubby, i Hope u are Watching ooo...                                                                                               This is simply Exquisite, i love all the details,from the wedding gown,  the shoe, the cake, the Flower  bouquet   , Including the guy...*wink wink* More beautiful pics when u continue!

Medical Minute: Cranial Nerve

The cranial nerves are  a set of 12 paired nerves in the back of your brain . Cranial nerves send electrical signals between your brain, face, neck and torso. Your cranial nerves help you taste, smell, hear and feel sensations. They also help you make facial expressions, blink your eyes and move your tongue. The are an essential part of the nervous system. How many cranial nerves are there? You have 12 cranial nerve pairs. Each nerve pair splits to serve the two sides of your brain and body. For example, you have one pair of olfactory nerves. One olfactory nerve is on the left side of your brain and one is on the right side of your brain. What are the types of cranial nerves? Your 12 cranial nerves each have a specific function. Experts categorize the cranial nerves based on number and function: Olfactory nerve:  Sense of smell. Optic nerve:  Ability to see. Oculomotor nerve:  Ability to move and blink your eyes. Trochlear nerve:  Ability to move your eyes up an...